Rund gedeckter Esstisch in elegantem Raum mit Kerzen.",


Whether a family outing, wedding celebration or seminar: we are your hosts and a well-coordinated, motivated team at the historic Schloss Laufen am Rheinfall.

Your hosts

Our team, comprised of cooks, events, banquet and wedding managers, service staff and administration staff, in the shop/ticket office or technical service personnel: we are here throughout the year and look forward to your visit.

Lächelnder Mann in Anzug vor dekorativem Hintergrund.

Daniel Denner

Gastronomy: Switzerland
Mann in Anzug lächelt vor verzierter Wand.

Leandro Nold

Restaurant manager
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Frau vor Kachelwand lächelnd.",

Elsbeth Geiger

Head of Sales & Marketing
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Mann in blauem Anzug vor verzierter Wand.",

Marc Bohnet

Head of Banquets and Events
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Mann in Kochuniform vor verzierter Wand.

Robert Wiedemann

Gastronomy: Switzerland
Person vor kunstvollem Hintergrund mit Wanddekorationen.

Samantha Barbre

Visitor Center Manager (Ticketing/Shop/Snack)
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Max Maurer Portrait

Max Maurer

Head of Maintenance and Technical Services
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Frau mit rotem Haar, schwarzem Blazer, vor dekorativem Hintergrund.

Gabriela Stiep

Assistant Restaurant & Sales
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Mann im Anzug, Schloss Laufen Teammember

Clemens Berisha

Chef de Service
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Porträt einer lächelnden Frau mit blonden Haaren vor gemustertem Hintergrund.

Nicole Rutz

Chef de Service
Gastronomy: Switzerland
Person lächelt vor dekorativem Hintergrund.

Aamina Mahamed

Social Media Manager
Gastronomy: Switzerland


Upscale gastronomy in a historic setting, international clientele at the Rhine Falls and discerning guests from the region, private parties and business events: those who work at Schloss Laufen by Europe's largest waterfall like variety. Do you live hospitality? Then we should definitely get to know each other.