Festlich dekorierter Bankettsaal mit Kronleuchtern.",


Meet and celebrate in an extraordinary space: lend your wedding, anniversary, christening or corporate event a special touch at Schloss Laufen, high above the Rhine Falls: amidst the forces of nature of the largest waterfall in Europe, for 2 to 200 people, any time of the year.

Extraordinary meetings and celebrations: give your wedding, anniversary, christening or corporate event a special touch at Schloss Laufen high above the Rhine Falls. In the midst of the force of nature of the largest waterfall in Europe for two to 200 people, at any time of year.

Knights' Hall

Capacities and floor plan of Rittersaal 1 & 2

  • Area: 230 m2
  • Concert seating: 200 guests
  • Aperitif: 250 guests
  • Parliament: 80 guests
  • U-shape: 50 guests
  • Round tables: 150 guests
  • Square tables: 200 guests

Floor plan of the Rittersaal

Capacities Knights' Hall 1

  • Area: 115 m2
  • Concert training: 100 guests
  • Aperitif: 100 guests
  • Parliament: 40 guests
  • U-shape: 20 guests
  • Round tables: 56 guests
  • Square tables: 96 guests

Impressions of the Knights' Hall


Capacities and floor plan Castello

  • Area: 116 m2
  • Concert training: 80 guests
  • Aperitif: 100 guests
  • Round tables: 60 guests
  • Square tables: 80 guests

Castello floor plan

Impressions Castello

Bleuler Hall

Capacities and floor plan Bleulersaal

  • Area: 70 m2
  • Concert seating: 46 guests
  • Square tables: 40 guests

Floor plan Bleulersaal

Impressions Bleulersaal

Eleganter runder Esstisch, gedeckt für ein formelles Dinner.

Round tower

A total of 17 seats and a small balcony with a view of the Rhine await you. 


  • Area: 25 m2
  • round table: 17 guests

Castle parlor

Work completely relaxed in the quiet atmosphere of the former guild chamber with twelve seats.


  • Area: 20 m2
  • Parliament: 12 guests
Konferenzraum mit Holzwänden und rotem Samtstühlen.
Elegantes Restaurant mit gedeckten Tischen und Spiegel.",


The modern, well-lit Laufenstube is small and fine. Reserve the elegant, modestly furnished and quiet room with a maximum of 14 seats for your group. Discuss important issues in appropriate surroundings, celebrate in an intimate setting. 


  • Area: 18 m2
  • Square tables: 14 guests

Wine cellar

These walls breathe history: the Schloss Laufen wine cellar at the Rhine Falls is 500 years old. We store and care for more than 48 select wines from the Schaffhausen region here. 


  • Area: 30 m2
  • Aperitif: 40 guests
Weinkeller mit Weinflaschen und Fässern an Steinwand.
Terrasse mit Sitzgelegenheiten und Sonnenschirmen neben steinerner Wand.


Snug and beautifully situated is the terrace with 180 seats and a cozy lounge. 

Inner courtyard

You can exclusively reserve the romantic inner courtyard of the castle for your wedding or birthday reception.  

Innenhof mit Springbrunnen, Tischen und Sonnenschirmen.

Room hire and minimum turnover

With us, you do not pay any room hire for an event (only valid when ordering food and drinks). This does not apply to room hire for weddings and seminars.

Minimum turnover (Saturdays)

no minimum turnover

Round tower
no minimum turnover

no minimum turnover

CHF 6'500.00 (May to Sept)
CHF 5'000.00 (October to April)

Knights' Hall 1+2
CHF 12,000.00 (May to Sept)
CHF 9,000.00 (October to April)

Room rental seminars

Rittersaal 1 & 2
Half day: CHF 800.00
Full day: CHF 1'200.00

Rittersaal 1
Half day: CHF 400.00
Full day: CHF 600.00

Half day: CHF 100.00
Full day: CHF 200.00

Round tower
Half day: CHF 150.00
Full day: CHF 200.00

Room rental weddings

CHF 1000.00

Knights' Hall
CHF 2000.00