Elegantes Restaurant mit gedeckten Tischen und Kerzenständern.

Private Events

Schloss Laufen on the Rhine Falls with its historic rooms is the ideal location for your private event. Celebrate your event high above the largest waterfall in Europe near Schaffhausen in the canton of Zurich. Let your birthday, family celebration or anniversary become a very special event.

Brautpaar an steinerner Wand mit Fluss im Hintergrund.

Get married like in a fairy tale

Discover Schloss Laufen am Rheinfall for your wedding. Book an aperitif after the ceremony or dine as a newlywed in a relaxed atmosphere.

Private Dining

Enjoy a cozy get-together with privacy and a delicious meal. Reserve a room exclusively in the stylish castle ambience, e.g. the round tower (up to 17 people). We will be happy to advise you on the choice of rooms. 

Rund gedeckter Esstisch in elegantem Raum mit Kerzen.",


Swiss Location Award 2024 Abzeichen auf schwarzem Hintergrund.


Schloss Laufen was once again honored with the Swiss Location Award in 2024.